Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday, April 21st

Gingerbread House update!

So here is a picture with one of the three sides attached before we stood it up...

Here it standing up! This is a view of the front - windows on the right, door way on the left... We split the ceiling so it would look like you are looking in on the scene...

Here is a view of the back part of our roof! Pain. Staking.

None of us think that we are going to finish because we only have four hours tomorrow to work on everything that goes IN the house before it is due tomorrow at 4. Sigh.


  1. It looks beautiful! Can't believe that it will take you 4 hours more and you still won't be done!

  2. you rock girlie girl. i want one made out of marzapan.

  3. I. Heart. Gingerbread. Can't wait to see the final product :)
