Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday, January 13th

Why, hello there!!!

A few things to catch you up on my week!!

Monday was a lot of preparation for the week so we did not have any finished products to present.

Yesterday was more preparation, but we also had the chance to make our first warm souffle of the module! Below is a chocolate souffle with a vanilla creme Anglise...

Yesterday we also presented our frozen souffle. We were allowed to pick any flavor we wanted so I went with Black Currant. It was really good, if I do say so myself. It is topped with a quenelle of chantilly creme.

Today was a big day. We presented the two Charlotte's that we have been working on all week... The first, pictured below, is called a Charlotte Royal, also known as a brain cake because of the way it looks. We got to pick the flavor of our inner mousse so I went with blood orange (very tart) and strawberry (very sweet). Super tasty when blended together. The white in the middle is vanilla Bavarian and it is surrounded by a raspberry filled jelly roll. It is covered with nappage for shine and taste and the bottom edge is coated with chopped pistachios. We will have to do this again next week for our final. Looks pretty cool, right?

View from the side.

Aaaand a top view for you.

Below was extra for anyone that wanted to give it a shot so needless to say, we did. This is a Charlotte Rousse. It is surround by lady fingers that we made and filled with the vanilla Bavarian, topped with chantilly creme and fresh raspberries and blackberries.

Looks tres fancy, no?
I thought that you might appreciate a little sneak preview for what lies ahead of us tomorrow...

I'll leave you with that quizzical look on your face until tomorrow!


  1. Brain cake: sounds weird, looks amazeballs!

    Great job! Xx


  3. HAHAHAA! I hope Lisa went to Paris in the 10 days from the first comment and had brain cake, otherwise the memory delay is one of the funniest things I've ever seen and I might need to make her my best friend immediately.

    I'd also appreciate it if you'd stop using fancy technical baking measurements such as "quenelle" in your blog... I stared at that word for about 5 minutes before giving up and moving on. ;)
