Saturday, October 17, 2009

Friday, October 16th

On Friday, my first module came to an end.

The past three weeks have been totally eye opening. Its been stressful, fun, different, and totally new, which has been strange, but completely awesome.

Friday we cleaned for two and a half hours straight. Gooooood times. Then, Chef returned all of our homework, practical final exams and written exams...

On both the written and the practical, I got a 94%.

Overall in the class, I received an A (they don't give A+'s at Cordon Bleu).


On Monday I begin the second module, PBK 111: Introduction to Baking Principles and Ingredient Function.... Mainly, we are going to be making different kinds of breads... Needless to say, I can't wait... We will be making French Baguettes, Focaccia Sponge, Rosemary Olive Focaccia, English Muffins, Pita, Pain au Lait, Sourdough, Black Pepper Asiago Breadsticks, Rye Bread, Ciabatta, Braided Challah, Bagels, Brioche, Cinnamon Swirl Bread... I meeeean.

Am I the only one drooling?

P.S. I have some CRAZY AWESOME news to share that had me crying after seeing Couples Retreat today in the middle of the Grove's movie theater lobby - but I'm not allowed to tell ANYONE until tomorrow, so stay tuned!!!!


  1. I know the crazy awesome news!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! ( I think I do, anyway..)

  2. I want to know the crazy awesome news!!! And I want anything that includes "pate sucre." You could refuse, but why tempt fate? Love you!!!
